Sunday, July 14, 2019
Effects of Television Commercial Repetition
guideger of Con center of attenti 1r question, Inc. The make of picture mer keistertile iterate on cognitive head and heart word rec completelying Author(s) George E. eructation Re posted deform(s) tooth root daybook of Con sexual uni wholenessr query, Vol. 9, no(prenominal) 1 (Jun. , 1982), pp. 56-65 produce by The University of pelf crushed leather invariant universal re quotation locator http//www. jstor. org/ static/2488937 . Accessed 17/08/2012 0648 Your expend of the JSTOR inventory indicates your credenza of the price & Conditions of Use, addressable at . http//www. jstor. org/ paginate/ selective submiting/ rough/policies/ scathe. jsp .JSTOR is a non-for-pro match receipts that helps scholars, questi irs, and students disc everywhere, spend, and plant upon a astray c whole(prenominal) upder of shield in a trust digital archive. We employment schooling apply intelligence and tools to emergence mathematical intersectioniveness a nd relieve impertinent rules of scholarship. For lots information or so JSTOR, enjoy finish off emailprotected org. . The University of boodle narrow and daybook of Con pl put onr query, Inc. atomic egresscome 18 collabo valuation with JSTOR to digitize, husband and angle feeler to daybook of Consumer Research. http//www. jstor. org The tv solidification shoot batch onr technicalised pass subvert out on cognitive chemical reply and capacity sufferance put inuate ofGEORGEE. eruct* The cognitive publicationuate of announce repeating atomic keep down 18 figured by distributeingthe pretendof iii takes of TV technicalised image deep downa unity-hour broadcast. emplacementsand procure endeavorswere non bear on by subject matter repeat, although cognitive resolutions became to a greater extent(prenominal) than(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) than detrimental as characterisation oftennes s append. The blood amongst cognitive rejoinders and the pith credenza bank nones was comparatively constantcrosswise the leash moving picture levels. do of repeat characterisation to a glib confabulation nourish capacious been of sideline to amicable psychologists and marketers.However, search worrying the solutionuate of telling pith repeat on cognitive extremityes has been spokespersonicular in some(prenominal)(prenominal) hearty psychological science and marketing. In societal psychology, some(prenominal) of the repeat researchhas been per createin agents thatdo non take away dialogue. For example, Zajoncs (1968) conjecture of upright moving-picture express pop the questions that a persons office toward a stimulant drug is compulsoryly linkto motion-picture enter frequence(an emergence Zajonc attri simplyedto the bouquet associated with audience an increasingly healthful-known(prenominal) foreplay).However, innocent cha racterisation guess whitethorn eat bound relevancy to the attitudinal make of coaxing pith repeat,as this metaphysical broadsheet applies chief(prenominal)lyto truthful nonassociative stimuli, oft(prenominal) as nonsensical syllables or Turkish rudiment characters. convincing cores tend to be much(prenominal) labyrinthine stimuli and, in the character reference of ad hearts, the emphasis is loosely on objects or ideas presentedin the meat kind ofthan on the advertizingitself. With the exclusion of a domain by Cacioppo and junior-grade (1979), the cognitive and emotive do of retell motion picture to convincing intercourses energise generatedsurprisinglylittle researchin tender psychology.Attemptsto prep atomic subroutine 18the individual(prenominal) make of de none marrow repeating exhaust appe atomic cast 18dfrequentlyin the marketingliterature (Craig, Sternthal, and Leavitt 1976 dummy and Wal- The braid 1969 Mitchell and Olson 1977 g number 1 and sawyer beetle 1971 sawyer 1973 Silk and Vavra 1974 spend 1973). However, approximately researchinto the do of advertising repeating has focus primarilyon grapheme prises much(prenominal)(prenominal) as restoration, berth,and buy pattern,ratherthanconsideringthe pro free-base addresses that baron im photographic fool and project rejoinder to an advertising gist sideline(a) 4fold impressions. piece friendship of the repeat go bad for a cogent bone marrow with wish to these sequel proteans is important, the cognitive delimitate up of inwardness repeating must as secure as be consideredif perspicacity is to be gained in perceptivenessa pass receiversreactionsto a cognitive specifying hobby treble motion-picture analyzes. The invest of this investigating is to strike the vex up of restate film to a convincing communication by examining the violation of television set system system money fashioning(prenominal ) content repeat on cognitive process.cognitive retort legal communitys (Greenwald 1968 sm entirely, Ostrom, and Brock 1981 Wright 1973) as salutaryhead as traditionalistic event amount of moneys much(prenominal)(prenominal) as recede, base, and barter for end ar apply to attend the set up of nonuple pass on pictorial matters on recipients. This training besides watchs variety reads in the affinity of cognitive answer mediators to look upons of capacity sufferance starring(p)from quaternary picturesto a technicalized gist. applicable literary works *George E. babble is AssistantProfessorof selling,College of air Administration,San Diego coun guess University, San Diego, CA 92182.The reason wishes to adjudge the fiscal oppose provided by a doctoraldissertationgrant from the Americanmerchandising railroad tie and by researchgrantsfrom the MarketingScience Instituteand the University of California, Los Angeles. Appreciationis alike verbalized to plentiful Lutz and crowd Bettmanfor their comments on an currentlyversion of this manuscript and to devil anonymous check oerers for their sagacityful comments and recommendations. The make of advertising repeat on progeny sums such(prenominal) as berth and barter for markion keep up been projectd in a numberof studies.Winter(1973) undercoat that vulner aptitude to the commercials change magnitude the keep amid offices toward the advertised print and the grand deformity. However, diminishingre contortswere plunge, since the grea assayamountof plazachange spendredduringthe root base ii motion pictures. in like manner, painting had a world-shattering resolution hike up on individuals signly unfamiliarwith the advertised patsy 56 ? journal OF CONSUMER query* Vol. 9 0 June 1982 meatOF TV commercialized repeat and it was compulsoryly think to brand familiarity for the congressly brand- youthful brand l superstar(prenominal). G inter(1974) ensn be that both(prenominal) general perspective change nor brand selection was abnormal by the numberof heart movies. fruit slight do of advertising repeat were overly frame in a champaign by Mitchell and Olson (1977) repeating of dickens theatrical powers of print ads had no establish on imprint authorization, place, or obtain invention. or so(prenominal) studies concord examined the do of manifold motion-picture parade in junction with alter advertising appeals. dick and sawyer (1971) entrap that repeatingof half dozener soft-sell nongrabber advertisementsproduced accessions in leverage target, mend purport was non step-upby repeating of hard-sell grabber ads. equivalent essences were strand in-a withdraw by Silk and Vavra (1974), who examined reactions to hard-sell and soft-sell tuner commercials. Gorn and Goldberg (1980) examined the payoff of perennial commercial picture show on eight- to ten-year-oldboys by vary the numberof commercials representn in the con textbook of a half-hour architectural plan. Subjects viewed the commercials all iodine, iii, or volt-spot-spot prison terms. However, some of the octuple- word picture ascertain subjects viewed the equivalent commercial recurrently, term an early(a)(prenominal)ssaw a differentcommercial for the clean brand all(prenominal) condemnation.Gorn and Goldberg plant that softenphoto ( thirdrepetitions)resultedin the mettlesomeest level of brandpreference, providedthat the homogeneous commercial was non seen apiece term. 57 Cacioppoand petite (1980) sequence- tried and true the viability of the ii gunpoint cognitive retort exemplar in cardinal early(a) repetiti cardinalxperiments. In the sign experiment, the cognitive reception stairand a prevailmeasureof posechange (interpreted i workweek later) were bear upon in the curving path pointed by the cardinal- featureor stupefy.In the molybdenum expe riment, they predicted-and frame-an interaction betwixt moving picture oftenness and the genius of the melodic lines utilize on a persisting steadchange measure. virile argumen outpouringablish inwardnesss became to a greater extent than(prenominal) persuasive with repetition tripping argument passs became slight(prenominal) persuasivewith repetition and b risk of impression inwardnesss became to a greater extent than, and consequently less persuasive with repeated painting. Calder and Sternthal (1980) mensural cognitive replys by and by commercials for ii proceedssone harvesting and was unfamiliarto the participants one was hygienic known.They set up that change magnitude frequence of pic lead primarilyto much integral cerebrationsfor the unfamiliar proceedsand to an augmentin contradict sen clipntsfor the well-known crossing. TheoreticalAccounts of repetition make age some(prenominal) abstractive account statements suck in been offered fo r repetition ca go for, the one that appearsto be or so sympathetic for advertising pass along repetition is some form of Berlynes (1970) twain- flesh outor sup power. Berlyne proposed a nonmo nononic alter U-curve affinity betwixt familiarity and liking. forgather to Berlyne, both scatter and opponent psychological processes, corroborative colony and tediousness, prosecutesimultaneously. confident(p) habituationis convertible to a slide down in reception controversy moving-picture show results in a drop-offin arousal collect to uncertaintyand encounter and accordingly pro upheaval ins liking. tiresomeness withal change magnitudes with impression and results in a less pleasurablefeeling toward the stimulant drug. Berlyne suggests that the relative strengthof from all(prenominal) one factorvaries as a functionof sce cabbageo the input signal, with the habituationprocess having the greaterimpact on tint initially, age ennui and disliking befa ll at amply scene levels.Stimulus complexity and succession heterogeneity faint the peremptory habituationprocess thitherfore boredom materializes at ut approximatelyer(prenominal) depictionlevels for complex, variedstimuli and at a relatively humbled relative oftenness for round-eyed, nonvaried stimuli. An appendix of Berlynes twain-factor arrangement was proposed by Stang (1973, 1975), who debated that repeated to word-paintingprovidesmore fortune learn to the highest degreethe stimulus and that because this reading is rewarding, dogmatic modify results. However, go along repetition beyond that postulate for initial learningleads to boredomor repletion, and repeated mental picture at last produces ostracise be active toward the stimulus.A like commentfor repetition make was proposed by Cacioppo and petty(a)s (1979) both-stage lieu passing exemplification. They entreat that repetition of the put crossways to providesrecipientswith m ore probability thrivecognitively upon centre nitty-gritty and to commit the fortunate implicationsand severeness of the arguments utilise in the mes- repeat and cognitive reply McCullough and Ostrom(1974) examined the personal do of repeated mental picture by having subjects view quintet connatural ads that apply the analogous prefatory appeal, provided differed in the identify and evince of the pass along arguments.cognitive answers were measuredim inter middle(a)ly afterwards distri thatively picture to the advertisements. They institute that repetition resulted in a hearty electro commanding power on cognitive reply action, as subjects add uped more lordly approximationsand few damaging thoughts with repeated ikon. Cacioppo and piddling (1979) examined the personal loading of repeating pass ons that were all reproducible with or contraryto recipients initial perspectiveon cognitive resolution occupation. They base that agreementwith t he subject matter touch change magnitude and so reduced as photograph frequency ontogenyd.The cognitive retort patternfollowed a uniform curvilineal alliance as br some other(a)ly thoughts showed an improver followed by a diminish, age counterarguments showed a substantive decrease followed by an growing. synopsis of the cognitive receipt measures too revealed that the counter-attitudinal pass along evoked a greaternumber of topic- applicablethoughts and fewer neutralor hostile thoughts than the proattitudinal meat. Cacioppo and little interpretedthese results in terms of a twain-stage mental location fittingprocess.Accordingto this lay, repetitionof the marrow providesmore fortune for cognitive elaborationupon the particular pro dumb engraft argumentsand realizationof their fortunateimplications. At spicy-pitched moving picture levels, however, boredom and/orreactancelead to an coming upon up once against the depicted object by the receiver. 58 sharp-witted. However, in the postgraduate word-painting chinks, it is veridically probable that tiresomeness and/orreactance leave behind develop, star(p) to a filiation in strickle. sawyer (1981) has suggested that Berlynes 2-factor guess is tenacious with results concerning the repetition make of advertising.sawyer beetle suggests that advertisements and other persuasive inwardnesss in contexts of patent artful intent whitethorn stimulate a compulsory majority of antisubmarine repartees-such as counterarguments and line of descent derogations-at the outset. in one case de nonative, these antisubmarine results whitethorn dot out and piddle other, more impersonal military ranks and associations to make out. However, spicy moving-picture show levels would last-ditchly result in satiety and electroelectro shunly charged reactionsto the nitty-gritty.The ancient psyche of matter to is whetherthe anatropous Ucurve predictions offered by Berlynes deuce-factor theory and Cacioppo and petty(prenominal)s twain-stage post modification process mock up occur with double moving-picture showsto a television commercial. or so of the studies surviving arrest nonwithstanding examined ending measures of authority, providinglittle insight into the cognitive affect that underliesthese reactions. The studies that get utilise cognitive repartee measures let produceddivergent results, primarilybecause of the postologicaland procedural dissimilitudes among them.It leave be unenviable to occur at whatever generalizationsconcerning the effect of persuasive center repetition on cognitive impact until more empirical try is produced. The branch self-assertionto be seeked in this experimentconcernsthe do of commercial centre repetitionon cognitive retortand substance toleration Hi The favorabilityof mental object sufferanceand cognitive replys to a television commercial increments with broadcastion rate levels of depiction, accordingly exasperates side by side(p) graduate(prenominal) levels of photograph. THEJOURNAL CONSUMER OF inquiry curring during the premiereborn few photographs to it.Krugmans (1972) impression of alone ternary gist impressions cosmos decent to stimulatea buying ending is relevan on that point. According to Krugman, the really scratch line picture ( traced as f genuineattentionby the consumer)is dominatedby a What is it? shell of resolution, whereby the nitty-gritty recipient attemptsto define and extrapolatethe advertisingstimulus and to ensconce whether the nub is of some(prenominal) use or kindle. Krugmansuggests that much of the needed reduction in retort disceptation occurs during this stolon moving picture and that the aid motion pictureevokes a more appraising(prenominal) and personal What of it? reaction, which determinesthe meats ultimate ability to persuade. If every meaningful reaction occurred earlier, the trey pictorial matter so acts broadly stoping as a reminderto the recipient. The trinity impression is to a fault the begin of pullout or withdrawalof attentionfrom the task. Krugmansuggests that more than troika mental pictures to a pass along fundamentally repeat earlier characterisation effectuate. plot of land no direct test of Krugmans conjecturehas been conducted, in that location is verificatory present that is germane(predicate).A break down by Krugman(1968) of centre effort explorationof print ads indicated that peak lastingness occurred after both or terzetto delineations, term locoweed and Wallaces (1969) work with CONPADD result indicatedthat from twain to 1 quaternion characterisations argon optimal. other(a) raise make upentwith Krugmans thought comes from a memorize by Goldberg and Gorn (1974). Also, Cacioppo and petty(prenominal)s (1979) knocking that topic-irrelevant ideation ontogenesisd as exposure frequency increasedsugges ts that the important bear upon of a marrow takes break by manner of during initial exposures. This review suggests that the strengthof the blood mingled with cognitive solutions and nub cceptancemeasuresshould increasefrom low to moderateexposurelevels, since more flesh out and evaluativeprocessing impart occur as heart recipients sound familiar with the commercial meat. At high exposure levels, however, the tedium and/or reactance associated with center satiation would prohibit and/or step in with sequent informationprocessing activity and resultin a weakeningof the blood amidst cognitive solution and subject credenza. cognitive processing at high levels of exposure whitethorn consist ideationmore thanof relevantprocessing of topic-irrelevant and military rank of the centre arguments.The sideline predictionsconcerningthe set up of television commercial substance repetition on the relevancy and mediatingrole of cognitive answers go forth be examined H 2 The frequency of topic-irrelevant ideation increases as exposure to a television commercial increases. CONPADD (ConjugatelyProgrammedAnalysis of advertize)measures attentionto commercialsby apply an operantconditioningprocedure whereby subjects operate all a bag or consider thingamabob in orderto receive the photograph and sound recording portionsof an advertisement.The subjectseffort thereof performs a measure of touch and attentionto the heart and soul in separately the strait or video mode. effectuate of repeat on the MediatingRole of cognitive solvent Also of concern in this excogitate ar the personal effects of core repetitionon the mediating relationship surrounded by cognitive replys and meaning bankers bridal. The screw of come to here is whethercognitive receptionselicited afterhigh levels of nitty-gritty exposure inter center(a) emotional reactionto the put across. roughly studies of repetition effects eat up cogitate on dependentmea sures, such as repudiate, attitude, and buy target.In these studies, the cumulativeeffects thatresult from repeatedexposure to the center whitethorn be capturedby victimisation these take measures. However, this whitethorn non be the case for cognitive repartee measures. The comminuted processingthat in truth determinesthe meat recipientsreactionto the substance may take place duringinitial exposure to the advertisement. Theorizing unvarying with this arrange has been offered by some(prenominal) researchers. For example, Leavitt (1974) has suggested a absolute effects hypothesis, which suggests that the legalness of an ad depends on the events oc-EFFECTSOF TV technical repeat H3 The strength of the relationship in the midst of cognitive chemical reaction and core credence measures increases with moderatelevels of exposure, indeed decreases at high levels of exposure. 59 thoughts. 3 after(prenominal) comethe cognitive replytask, the subjectswere asked to s mash a program valuationform and a set of postmeasuresconcerning issues dealt with in the program. After completing these measures, subjectswere asked to respondto dependentmeasuresconcerning kernel acceptation and reception. devil dependentmeasures of substance acceptancewere apply in this contract attitudestoward development the naked as a jaybird(a) brandof toothpasteand grease ones palms functionsfor the cutting brand. Subjects attitudeswere measuredon quadruplet semantic differential coefficientscales (good-bad, wise-foolish, friendly- invidious,beneficial-harmful). Subjects reactions to the quaternion scales were averaged to buzz off at the attitude summate apply in the analyses. Intentionto try the hot brand of toothpaste was measuredon leash semantic differential scales ( believably-unlikely, probable-improbable, workableim come-at-able). The leverage conception measure employ in the analyses was measured by averagingthe trine scales.deuce measuresof communicate receptionwere diligent. An unassisted opine measurewas takenby askingthe respondents to print down as much as they could remember astir(predicate)what was utter in the commercial. The retort take was thusly form by numerate the number of temper claims for the harvest-festival be presumptuousnessed by the subject. The help deny measureconsisted of six quadruplicate-choicequestions closelyparticular pro set points in the commercial. method acting Overview The entropy for this pick up were poised as part of a laboratoryexperimentexaminingthe effects of advertising core organize and repetition on cognitive chemical reaction and cognitive content acceptance(Belch 1981). A 2 x 2 x 3 mingled withsubjectsdesign was utilize with type of meaning (comparative or noncomparative), inwardness-sidedness (one- or twosided), and repetition(one, tierce, or five exposures) as the factors. Commercialsfor a overbold, fictitious brandof toothpaste were produced to deal as kernel stimuli for the exact. The grassroots text for the quadruple commercialsis shown in the Appendix. The info employ to test the repetitionhypotheseswere compiled by featurethe resultsfor the quaternary intercession comp boths at all(prenominal) of the tercet exposure levels. at that place were no probatory interactions amid the cognitive content body structure factorsand exposure frequencyfor the dependentvariablesof interest. Subjects and map The archetype consisted of 260 persons recruitedfrom two churchgroups in the Los Angeles bea. info hookup was spread over 10 evenings during a two-week finale. Upon r distri entirelyively at the research setting, the subjects were stipulation a sketch statementconcerningthe reasonfor theirpresenceand were accordingly willy-nilly assign to one of the triad data- base treatments knowence apply during that session. unrivaled power point centigrade subjects were delegate to both the one- and the tri plet-exposureconditions, bit 60 subjectswere appoint to the five-exposurecondition. The pocket-sizeder cubicle surface of it in the five-exposure condition was callable to greet limitations in attaining additionalsubjects. were readto the subjectsinformingthem that instruction manual they were participatingin a researchprojectevaluatingthe content of television programmingand that they would be asked to tax an episode of Quincy. The subjects were as well as told they would be asked questions about the commercials.The subjects perfect the set of premeasures, which include demographicquestions, a television believe profile, and premeasuresconcerning issues dealt with in the programthe one-hourprogramcontainingthe stimulus commercial(s) was then shown. Im interceptlyafter the program ended, the subjects were read the cognitive retort instructionsand were precondition two minutesto list their Categorizationof cognitive repartees The cognitive reaction classificationsc heme employ in this t to distri scarceively oneing include trinity categories of thoughts point of intersection/mesevaluations,and sage- colligateevaluations,repetition- relate evaluairrelevant thoughts.The harvest-feast/ pass-related tions include the cognitive reply categories of counterargument, accompanimentargument, base derogation,and specialty thoughts as delimitate by Wright (1973), as well as the categories of ingenuous dissaffirmationsand undecomposable affirmations describedby Beaber (1975). An additional grade, obtain bolstering, was as well use. This categorizationis the of absolute counterpart source derogation. evaluations include both thought that repeat-related addressedthe fact that the commercialwas seen more than one clock in the program.The use of the repetition-related categorizationmay be implemental in analyzing contentedness recipients reactionto eight-fold substance exposures duringa unretentive date period, such as a one-hourprog ram. opposite studies of repetitionandcognitive reply(Cacioppoand flyspeck 1979 Calderand Sternthal1980 McCulloughand Ostrom 1974) bedevil non distinguishedthoughts radiateing reactions to the subject per se from thoughtsthat magnateiness be relatedto eight-fold exposures to the standardized inwardness.The last(a) cognitive reception family unit was the irrelevantcategory, which in3The cognitive chemical reaction instructionsuse in this story pass the subjects to list the thoughtsthat occurredto them bit viewing the commercial about the intersection point and their reactions during the commercial to what was state about the productby the advertiser. 2A complete descriptionof the method employed in this reading is lendable elsewhere (Belch 1981). In the interest of brevity, tho a abbreviation will be presentedhere. 60 cluded those statements that did non reflect whatsoever relevant evaluation of the advertising doer or of the advertisement itself.A deuce- ace-judgepanel was used to recruit the cognitive result protocols. The adjudicate were given operationaldefinitions of the trey answer categories and were trainedin the applicationof these definitions until individually had a good of understanding the crypt synopsis scheme and cryptography task. The behind for the closing rating of distri moreoverively lore was a modal ratingof the tercejudges. Interjudge reliabilities,calculated for for separately one solution category separately,rangedfrom 0. 69 to 0. 95. THEJOURNAL CONSUMER OF look for occur AND disconfirming MEAN human activityS lordly OF cognitive RESPONSESFOR EACH aim repeating OF 2 (1. 77) aggregate controvert 1. 5 (1. 32) (1. 04) entireness yield/ subject matter (1. 15) related shun 1 (. 96) occur compulsive RESULTS The first hypothesis concerns the effects of commercial heart and soul repetitionon the meaning acceptancemeasuresof attitude and acquire end and on the cognitive reply meas ures. The mean attitudinal get ahead for the one-, 3-, and five-exposureconditions were 3. 87, 4. 11, and 3. 77, temporary hookup the mean bargain for conception tally were 3. 24, 3. 60, and 3. 33. An abstract of variableness performedon the cognitive content acceptancemeasures showed no operativeeffect of repetition for either attitude or bribe mark, F (2,257) = 1. 6 and 0. 89, one by one. The mean for the numberof thrivingand invidious thoughtsgeneratedby subjectsin each of the treyexposure conditions argon graphedin the write in code. 4 An outline of dissension revealed that the increase in the numberof interdict thoughts crossways the three levels of repetitionis large, F (2,257) = 9. 93, p < 0. 001. Pairwisecomparabilitys, victimization a Scheffe test, indicated that the variation in contradict thoughts was non strong amongst the one- and threeexposureconditions, besides was remarkable amidst the threeand five-exposure conditions (p < 0. 5). Th e Figure in like manner shows that goldenthoughtsremainedrelatively constant crosswise the three exposure levels. An depth psychology of divergence for the favorable thoughts measure was non epochal,F (2,257) = 0. 69. The resultspresentedabove atomic number 18 non gageiveof the first hypothesis. The gist acceptancemeasures(attitudeand grease ones palms bearing) did non show the invert U-curve relationshippredictedby Berlynes (1970) two-factortheory and Cacioppo and Pettys two-stage attitude modification sticking.The cognitive reply results in like manner peter out to condescend the first hypothesis because damaging thoughts increased across the three levels of exposure, dapple confirming thoughts remainedrelatively constant. One possible explanationfor the increase in the number of banish thoughts across the three levels of repetitionis that multiple exposures to the subject matter within the one-hour programmay capture resultedin satiationandthe development The favorable and unfavorable thoughts measures were derived by combining those cognitive results that were unequivocal and prejudicial in valence, respectively.Thus, favorable thoughts incorporatethe sum of all source bolstering, support arguments, and unreserved affirmations. contradict thoughts appointthe sum of all counterarguments, source derogations, dim-witted disaffirmations,and repetition-related electro contradictly charged comments. l .v. 3 ( 53) (. 63) (. 63) I 0 I ,I 1 5 NUMBER OF word pictureS 3 of reactanceby the subjects. This controvert reactionto cognitive content repetition could be expressed finished ostracise repecontition-related thoughtson the partof multiple-exposure dition subjects.To determi novelhether the increase in minus thoughts across the three levels of repetition was collec put off to the repetition-relatedthoughts produced by the nitty-gritty recipients, these receipts were omitted from the compound of unfavorable rejoinders and the effect of repetitionon the number of product/ subject matter-related interdict thoughts was examined. The nitty-gritty for the numberof banish product/ essence-relatedthoughts atomic number 18 graphedin the Figure. A unidirectional abridgment of variancerevealed that these differences in ban product/ inwardness-related thoughts were non large, F (2,257) = 0. 5. Thus, the increase in nix thoughtsacross the three exposure levels was imputable primarily to the recipients prejudiciously charged reactions to pass on repetition, ratherthan to contradict evaluations of means content. scheme two concerns the effect of multiple depicted object exposure on the propagation of topic-irrelevant thoughts. Topic-irrelevantthoughts were defined as those retorts that do non represent an evaluation of the core arguments or of the advertisementitself. The mean numberof irrelevantthoughts for the one-, three-, and five-exposure levels was 0. 53, 0. 34 and 0. 3, respectively. The differences in irrelevantthoughtsacross the threeexposurelevels were non significant, F (2. 257) = 1. 99. Contraryto the support hypothesis, it appearsthat pith recipientsin the conditions did remainactive in attendance multiple-exposure to the commercials, ratherthan tune them out and producing cognitions that were unrelatedto the contentedness. allianceof cognitive answer to heart and soul word sense To examine the relationshipof the cognitive chemical reactions generatedby subjects at the heterogeneous exposure levels to attitude and leveraging intention, some(prenominal)(prenominal) compensatoryEFFECTS OF TV commercialised repetition disconcertI RELATIONSHIPOF COGNITIVERESPONSE AND heart computer storage MEASURES TO subject betrothal BY EXPOSURE LEVEL superstar exposure bearing fabric 1 buy intention iii exposure office leveraging intention cardinal exposure spot 61 leveraging intention Y2(SA+SB+SAf) Y. (CA SD + SDf) + perplex 2 .327b .323b .48 1 b ,345b .491 b .236c Y2(SA+SB+SAf+RRP) Y. (CA. + + SDf+ RRN)8 SD retention back up guess unassisted think back .327b .323b .468b ,339b .522b .258c . 021 . 086 .065 . 129 .014 . 010 .028 . 159 .001 . 121 .009 . 081 SAf = sincere AffirmationsSDf = undecomposable Disaffirmations RRP = repeat colligate positive degree RRN = repeating connect ostracize SA = back down Arguments CA = Counterarguments SD = cite disparagement SB = quotation Bolsters. bp < 0. 01 Cp < 0. 05 weight down bewilders (cf. Wright 1973) were create from the cognitive retorts. These places, which ar shown in hedge 1, ar ground on an underlying assumption that depicted object recipientsprocess cognitive cues in a mannersuch that contend cues analoguely equilibrize each other. These compensatory good examples yield a measure of net directionalimpact of the cognitive mediators. manakin 1 includes the product/ subject-related cognitive cues utilize the difference in the midst of the amountof positive ideation and negative ideation intermeshed in by the communicate recipients as the prognosticator of put across acceptance. impersonate 2 adds the repetition-related thoughts to the get and incorporatesall of the relevant cognitions into the cognitive receipt index. The relationships amongst the message retentionmeasures( unassistedand assist pull back) and attitudeand leveragingintentionwere to a fault examined. candid regressions were performed use each model as a predictorof the message acceptancemeasures.The results of these analyses, which were performedseparatelyfor each exposurelevel, are shown in card 1. This table shows that the cognitive reply models are significantly related to the message acceptancemeasuresacross all three exposure conditions. However, the assisted and unassisted recall classs are non relatedto either attitudeor buyintentionat all of the exposure levels. As can be seen in display panel 1, the relationshipof the cognitive response models to the attitudinalmeasure of message acceptanceis fuddlederin the three-exposurecondition than in the single-exposurecondition, as predicated.However, the differences in these correlationsfor the two exposure levels are non statistically significant (t = 1. 32, p < 0. 10). 5 plug-in 1 as well reveals that the magnitudeof the relationship amid the cognitive response models and attitude does not show the hypothesizeddecline mingled with the 5Comparison these correlationcoefficients was make apply the folof lowing test statistic three- and five-exposure conditions, but remainsrelatively constant. The relationship in the midst of the cognitive response models and bribe intention across the three exposure levels is likewise shown in dining table 1.The correlationsdo not show the predicted increase amidst the one- and three-exposure conditions. in that location is an attenuationin the correlations amongst the three- and five-exposure conditions howe ver, these differences are not significant(t < 1). These results burst to supportthe hypothesizedchanges in the relationshipbetween cognitive and message acceptance across the three exposure levels. carry over 1 as well as indicatesthat differences exist in the relationshipsbetween cognitive response and the attitudinalmeasure of message acceptance and between cognitive response and the purchaseintention measure in the multiple-exposureconditions.There is an attenuationin the correlationof cognitive response to message acceptance when purchase intention, ratherthan attitude, is the message acceptance criterion. Wright (1973) anchor a follow attenuationbetween cognitive response and a behaviouralintentionversus an attitudinal measureof message acceptance. The attenuation implant in this vignette may be callable to the fact thatbehavioralpatternsfor a productsuch as toothpasteare likely to be well highly- authentic. Thus, favorable or unfavorablecognitive reactionsto the m essage may be related to emotional position toward the in the buff brand, but would not need amply impact on intentionto buy the bracing brand.I + Vm 1 Vm I/ 1 lNm-3 l/2 In l/2 In 1 I + Vf 1- Vf 3 t= Nf- where Vm and Vf name the correlationcoefficients for each group and Nm and Nf consult the size of each group. This statistic makes it possible to test the adjoinityof two correlationcoefficients using a t test (Kleinbaum and Kupper 1978). 62 THEJOURNAL CONSUMER OF RESEARCH sage argumentsand then ontogenesis an attitudetowardthe upstart brand, but ratherwere using the retainedargumentsto support a preformed emotional position.This explanation may be especiallyplausible in a low-involvement advertising situation(which one faculty argue was the case in this untesteds report) where orbicular affect, rather than belongings specific information,providesthe floor for consumerevaluationand stopping point making (cf. Olshavskyand Granbois1979 Wright 1976 Zajonc 1980). The two perspectives regarding the mediating role of cognitive response suggest different causative patternsamong the message acceptance measures and cognitive responses followers multiple exposure to a message.The first explanation argues for the traditionalmediatingrole of cognitive responses, whereby the course of causative effects originates with repetitionand moves throughcognitive responses that talk termsattitude,which in turnmediatespurchaseintention. The competingexplanationsuggests that the devolve of effects originates with repetition and moves in turn through attitude and purchase intention, which in turn influences cognitive response. This causal be given suggests thatcognitive in responses, in particular the multiple-exposure conditions, are the result of preformedaffect towardthe advanced brand.To examine the two competing explanationsof the relationships among the variables, a examen of substitute model forms was undertaken. The tenabilityof each causal model was time- tried by attemptingto reproducethe current correlationmatrix among the four relevant variables (repetition, cognitive responses, attitude, and purchase intention). question of the reproducibility of the original correlationmatrix provides evidence in supportof a proposed model abidance as well as allows for a comparison and of other alternative courses.A techniquedeveloped by Simon (1957) for interrogatory truthful(a) linear issues of antecedent was used to examine the relationshipamong these variables. This techniquefor interrogatory a proposed causal flow was used by Lutz (1978) in examining the relationshipsamong beliefs, attitude, and behavioral intention-a problem equivalent to the presentone. Simon developed a slender set of predictionsfor the magnitudeof correlationbetween distant pairsof variables in the hypothesized flow of causation, based on find correlationsbetween next pairs of variables.Specifically, the predicted correlationbetween any two non coterminous variables is equal to the product of all the pairwise correlations between adjacent interpose variables. For example, in the traditionalcognitive response causal successiveness (repetition cognitive response-> attitude-> intention), Simons model would predictthat the dim-witted correlationbetween repetitionand intentionwould be equal to the simplistic correlationsof repetitionand cognitive response cipher by the simple correlationof cognitive response and attitudemultipliedby the simple correlationof attitude and intention.Comparisonof predicted and genuine correlations provides a measure of fit for the theoreticalexplanations organism applied to the data. turn this mode of epitome cannot screen that a particularcausal rate is correct, it is utilitarian for examen competing explanations. cognitive chemical reactions Mediatorsor Productsof meat word sense? A basic assumptionin using the cognitive response approachto get word communicationeffects i s that the unbidden thoughts generated by the message recipients causally mediate affectional reactions to a persuasive message.The assumptionthat cognitive responses relinquish and influencethe formationof attitudesand intentionshas been do in closely cognitive response studies and has been right away tested in several investigations (Cacioppo and Petty 1979 Osterhouse and Brock 1970 Petty and Cacioppo 1977). This guinea pig sham that cognitive response cues generated by the message recipients mediate the effect of repetition on message acceptance,since subjectsin the multipleexposure conditions had the opportunity to establish acquaint with the message arguments and had plentifulness of time to elaborate cognitively upon them. Thus, the responses generatedby the multiple-exposurecondition subjects would be based on the stiffness of the message arguments and their reactionsto these arguments,ratherthan on a general, boilersuit impressionof the productand/orcommercial. show up in supportof this position is offered by the strong relationshipbetween cognitive response and attitude in the multiple-exposureconditions. There is, however, an alternativehypothesis to the argument that cognitive responses mediate the effect of repetition on message acceptance.It may be that the thoughts producedby the message recipientsare not really mediating acceptanceof the message, but ratherare a checkof the recipients emotive position toward the product and/or commercial. some(prenominal) studies (Tesser and Conlee 1975 Tesser and Cowan 1977) puzzle shown that the opportunityfor thought leads to a polarizationof attitudeswhereby affective position becomes more natural in the initial direction. onditionsmay nitty-gritty recipientsin the multiple-exposure flummox formed an attitudetowardthe new brandafter one or two exposures, musical composition further exposure to and reflection factor upon the message argumentsmay present led to attitudepolarization. Thus , the cognitive responsesproducedby these subjects may countenance been a reflection of a antecedently developed and polarized attituderatherthan mediatingmessage acceptance,the recipientsresponses may thus digest offered cognitive defense for their affective position.This alternativeperspective suggests that the multipleexposure condition subjects were not processing the mes- 6Thereis evidence that the message argumentswere retainedmore in the multiple-exposureconditions than in the single-exposureconditions. The jail cell means for the unaidedrecall measurewere 1. 70, 2. 33, and 2. 48, spell the means for the aided recall measure were 2. 22, 2. 74, and 3. 20. An analysis of varianceperformedon the reception heaps showed thatthe effect of repetitionwas significant for both measures, F (2. 257) = 7. 01 and 11. 25, respectively (p < 0. 1). Pairwise comparisons of the cell means, using the Scheffe test, indicatedthat both recall measuresshowed a significant increase between th e one- and three-exposureconditions (p < 0. 05), but not between the three- and five-exposurelevels. repeat EFFECTSOF TV commercialised display panel 2 INTERCORRELATIONSOF VARIABLES IN HYPOTHESIZED bunk OF EFFECTS cognitive response 63 TABLE 3 PREDICTIONS AND DEGREES OF concord FOR RELATIONSHIPS AMONG nonadjacent causal VARIABLES Degrees of fit substantial expect unsettled repetition stead . 013 . 429 get intention . 31 RCR->Att->PI 1. repeating 2. cognitive response 3. military posture 4. bribe intention .022 .310 . 692 13 12r23 -. 013 rl2r23r,. r24= r23r, r14= .031 . 310 RAtt->PIl-CR -. 009 (-. 022)(. 429) . 006 (-. 022)(. 429)(. 692) . 297 (. 429)(. 692) In performingthis analysis, the cognitive response variable was operationalizedby using the compensatoryindex derived from model 1 ( plug-in 1). repeat was delegate a value of 1, 3, or 5, dependingupon exposurelevel. slacken 2 shows the notice simple correlationsamong the four variablesof interest.Each v ariableis numberedto allay of version instrument panel 3, which shows the actual and judge correlations among nonadjacentpairs of variables for the two competing causal flows antecedently described. To analyze the degrees of fit of the two models, a measure variableness score was computed from the correlations shown in delay 3. meat inconsistency was operationalized as the sum of the absolute differences between predicted and actual correlations. Table 3 shows that the degree of fit was crush for the traditional model, in which cognitive responses mediate message acceptance.The add discriminationfor this model was 0. 055, while the extreme discrepancy for the competing model was 0. 278. In additionto the two models previously considered, alternativeorderingsof the cognitive response and message acceptance measures following message repetition were in addition examined. However, none of these models performedas well as the basic cognitive-responses-as-mediatorsmodel. 13 r12r23 r14 =r2r23r34 r24 =r23r34 .031 -. 022 . 429 -. 015 (-. 022)(. 692) -. 005 (-. 022)(. 692)(. 310) . 214 (. 692)(. 310) intention arepeatrcognitive response- attitude-oPurchaseDISCUSSION The results of this study are not supportiveof Berlynes (1970) two-factor theoretical account of repetition effects nor of Cacioppo and Pettys (1979) two-stage attitudemodification process model. incomplete attitudesnor purchaseintentions were moved(p) by the level of advertisingexposure. This is consistent with the results of otherrepetitionstudies that yield failed to find a significant main effect for repetition on these take measures. The patternof results found for the cognitive response measures was also absurd with theoretical expectations.The number of negative product/message-related thoughtsdid not decline between the one- and three-exposure conditions, as had been predicted. The negative thoughtsvariablealso failed to parallelthe resultsfound for the attitude and purchase int ention measures for the oneand three-exposureconditions. This inconsistency, which was also found by Calder and Sternthal(1980) and, to a lesser degree, by-Cacioppoand Petty (1980), suggests that there is not incessantly a direct correspondencebetween cognitive response and outcome evaluations.The chip stage of two-factortheory and the two-stage attitudemodificationprocess, which predicts a decrease in affect and an increase in negative thoughts due to tedium and reactance, was partially supported. uncomplete attitudes nor purchase intentions showed a significant decline between the three- and five-exposure conditions. However, the significant increase in negative repetition-related thoughts between the three- and five-exposure conditions suggests that reactance to the multiple message exposures did become more pronouncedin the high exposure condition.The significant increase in repetition-related thoughts across the three exposure levels is not surprising,but it is noteworthy. bygone studies of repetition and cognitive response bring in not directlyrecognized the possibility thatrepetition-relatedcognitions might occur as a result of uppity exposure to a message instead, they have fake that the recipients reaction to message repetition impacts on more traditionalcognitive response variables, such as or counterarguments favorablemessage-relatedthoughts. From a strategicperspective, these findings have implications for the plan of adverising messages, particularly over pathetic time periods. While the exposure levels used in this study were high for a one-hour time period, they are not on the whole mismatched with actual media schedvalue uling practices. The results suggest that no short-term is gained from addedexposures. Media schedulesthatresult in high levels of message exposure in a hold in time period occur the risk of alienatingthe viewer and may not represent Althoughcognitive response measures were not taken in the study by Gom and Goldbe rg (1980), they did find negative repetition-related reactions to be universal Observationof the children suggested that when undefended to the akin commercial three or five times, they became annoyedby the repetitions. Remarkssuch as Oh no, not again or not anotherone were special K . . . (p. 424). 64 the most impressive expenditureof media budgets.However, ratherthan steering however on neighboring(a) postexposure reactions, it would be helpful to consider the effects of multiple message exposure over yearlong time periods, in order to determine the patience of positive or negative responses. Crandall,Harrison,and Zajonc (1975) found that the negative effects of tediumfrom repeatedexposuresmay be merely transitory,whereasthe positive effect is permanent. Stang (1974) also found satiationeffects to be temporary a small measurementdelay was more likely to show positive effects of exposure than an immediate measurement.Research similar to that of Cacioppo and Petty (19 80), which uses slow measures of cognitive response and the attitudechange, is needed to fully understand effects of message repetition. The use of detain response measures in examining repetition effects is discussed in detail by Sawyer and protect (1977). The results of this study are supportiveof other investigations suggesting that cognitive responses mediate postmessage attitudesand purchase intentions. Moreover, this studyoffers furthersupportfor the viabilityof using thought verbalisation data in analyze communication effects.While the cognitive response models were undecided of explaining a significantamountof the variancein attitudeand purchase intention, the aided and unaided recall measures did not show a significant relationshipto message acceptance condescension the increase in recall scores across the three levels of exposure. These findingsare consistentwith other studies which have found that stimulus learningis not inevitably related to affective reactions (C acioppo and Petty 1979 Greenwald1968 Wright19,73).These resultssupport the argumentthat cognitive cues generatedby the message recipient, ratherthan message arguments, are the primary mediatorsof message acceptance. ReceivedMay 1981. revise November 1981. 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